Some creative endeavors are simply easier than others. Some projects include a "knowing." By knowing, I mean a confidence that you'll succeed. Some call this "flow," others call it self-esteem. I've always noticed if I'm nervous about a project, it doesn't seem to go well. The key (and actually the first of the Four Dignities of the Warrior's Path in Tibetan Buddhism) is "relaxed confidence." If one could simply be in this state-of-being, I think a lot would be solved for people.

That being written, I'm still trying to decide what this blog should be about. Searching for my "relaxed confidence." My new interest is 'nature.' I think we can certainly learn a lot from her. I also like Michelle Wright's definition of nature, and also her definition of a garden: "...any environment that is initiated by humans, given its purpose and direction by humans and maintained with the help of humans." So by this definition, a blog can certainly be defined as a garden. Given these goals, it's not always easy to decide what kind of "garden" to create. First, I've already initiated it. This blog I mean. Done. Now, I'm figuring out its purpose and direction. This is a bit tricky. So far, it's to entertain, sometimes to enlighten, maybe (?) to inspire. And finally, I'll maintain this blog by merely showing up and doing the work. "Ship," as Seth Godin would call it.

Right now I'm still doing a bunch of research about creating a platform. One book will say a platform is the intersection of your interests, skills and the audiences' needs. Another is that a platform should cover your values, interests and strengths. I think I'll need to go with the latter as I don't have an audience yet (except my dear friend MJ).

My values are honesty, loyalty, you know - mostly Christian values (as taught by Christ, not his fake nut job followers here in the USA), creativity, freedom, non-stop learning and somehow helping community. My interests include spirituality and religion, folklore, myths, reading about western magic, fiction, fitness, nutrition and health. My skills/strengths are rather boring. I know how to: date successfully, live abroad, save money, live as a single gay man in urban environments, do mime, acting, playwriting, and storytelling. I can write dialogue fairly well, I'm pretty decent at teaching and education, I feel like I'm rather entertaining. I love public speaking. People tell me I'm a gifted mime.

Update: writing this out, I think I've figured out my platform (thanks for joining me with this process. I hope I wasn't rambling. This was more of a "thinking out loud" post. LOL.). I won't reveal my decision on what to make this blog into here based on Zig's "go-up" goals. Basically, he says anything you want to "give up" - drinking, eating fast food, etc. you share and tell everyone. Anytime, you want to "go up," don't tell. Thanks again!

What I'm reading this Week: How to Live, (normally I like Derek Sivers' writing, but this is simply too fast-paced for me. He even instructs us to read it slowly, one line at a time. It could also be half as long as it is - unusual for someone who prides themselves on being succinct), The Dawn of Everything, it's a very interesting argument of our history as humans. A Confederacy of Dunces yes, the writing is great, but so far the story just hasn't "grabbed" me. Maybe I've been too distracted with social media. My birthday present from MJ, Ancestral Medicine. And Tao Lin's Substack. So much to read, so little time.

Resistance Vs. Anxiety Vs. Desperation